
Become a Consultant

We’ve helped hundreds of people get into consulting — and each time they’ve thanked us profusely & wished they’d done it sooner.

First, we wrote a book to help people. Now we’ve launched an online course — and made it free!

What’s Included

Define success.

The first step is understanding what success means for you. Is it more money? Or freedom? Or more stimulating work? We help you define success — so we can achieve it.

Get projects.

We provide step-by-step instructions on how to get clients, including defining your niche, tailoring your resume & LinkedIn, and connecting with firms that will staff you. This gets very tactical, but that’s what you need to ensure success.

Manage your business.

We provide insights on setting up your business entity, so you can get tax write-offs & keep more money! Picking the right entity, setting up your accounting, insurance, credit cards and more can be overwhelming. We make it easy.

Thrive & repeat.

After you land a project, you want to become invaluable. We show you how to research your client, ramp-up quickly, integrate into a team, and get re-hired.

“The consulting industry is $500B & growing. There’s plenty of room for you.”

Jonathan Dison — Course Instructor

Take the course!

This course has 15 videos totaling 90 minutes. You can skip to different modules by using the arrow in the top-left corner — or you can see all of the videos here.

“The value in this course is unreal! Nothing has ever made me so much money so fast!

I made my money back in a few hours. Compare that to other courses. ”

— James S.

“Jonathan is extremely direct in this video course — and I like that!

There’s no fluff or marketing — it’s straight to the point with actionable steps to take.”

— Shelley R.

“I had no idea how much opportunity there was in the consulting industry.”

— Danny C.